Cause Conscience

An experimental service for enabling conscientious commitment to causes

Georgia Senate Runoff

A visualization of my claim.
Link: how I explored that Electing Republican senators in Georgia would not protect the American Dream.

Georgia will decide the last two U.S. Senate seats. These determine who shall have the majority of votes. The majority will set the agenda. Will anyone in the United States and abroad not be impacted? Voters should have every opportunity to learn. Cause Conscience is here to help.

Cause Conscience is an experimental learning service for help with committing to conscientious causes as quickly as I am able to help you. I have no idea how many calls, emails or requests of any kind I shall receive, but I encourage you to reach out if you'd like help. Right now I have capacity for more. Even if I got too many calls, that would mean that a lot of people want help. It would help me plan for the future being able to measure how many people want this.

We are currently only focusing on the Georgia Senate runoff that votes on January 5th 2020. After that, we are currently entertaining the possibility of focusing on COVID. If you think our focus should be elsewhere, feel free to email us at [email protected].

Senator Loeffler claims that electing Democrats would amount to the death of the American Dream. Is this true? Is its inverse, electing Republicans, going to bring back the American dream? I visualized my thinking and the sources I based my thoughts upon, so that others can work through this quickly, too. It's an outline of the perspective I'm currently entertaining and how its sources and logic hang together. You can use your mouse or touch gestures to see how parts relate to each other while learning about different sources.

It visualizes premises and causes. It also links to various evidence. It includes useful notes about the various premises. Eventually it should be a resource to anyone trying to efficiently and effectively entertain the different perpectives arising from different causes.

If you believe that I can in any way improve this, I invite you to reach out and help me improve it. Feel free to share evidence that I should consider or that needs to be considered somewhere. Together we can make informed commitment to causes easier and more effective.

Feel free to send me a text or give me a call anytime. Especially if you want help. It's an experiment, so I may not always pick up right away or get back immediately. Don't feel like you can't call though. If I get too many calls that just means that we are working on the right thing and I need to increase our ability to help people.